Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Saturday 1st October.

The caravan park was filling up. The sun had lulled us into a soporific stupor. Or perhaps it was the sweet, aromatic air. Regardless, we don’t think about city campsites and how they fill at the weekend.
Two campervans arrive to move into our pitch and there was little we could do at reception. We were unceremoniously ousted.  ‘Shit out of luck’ says the guy jovially at reception.

Moving on. Quite literally. We pack up quickly. Andrew enjoys the buzz. I quietly get stressed.

We put Winterswijk into the SatNav and head off. We chose Winterswijk because it had a large (read vast) camping shop in the town. We needed an awning ground sheet and they had one.

We had to chance our luck with sites. So as we neared Winterswijk, we drive into the 1st one we see. It’s stunning. Absolutely vast and spacious in comparison to the Zeeburg site we have just left. It has a swimming pool, tennis courts, heaps of play grounds, sand pits and every conceivable children’s play thing you can image.
We are instantly happy and spirits sour.

The children hire go carts and swim for 3 days solid while we chill in the last few days of the heat wave.  Families and children gather in large groups around different caravans.

Day 3 and the driving licenses arrive at Marjolein’s. Time to move on again.  And at 27€ a night, moving on is a must. We urgently need to reduce our night rate to closer to 15€!

Our typical dinner; roast squash, leek and carrot soup. 

Now, who can say they've bathed in a race car??


Catalogue man

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