Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Monday 10th.
We're making good progress towards Frankfurt until we're diverted off the autobahn. We generally travel at around 80 - 100 kph and even at that speed, cars quite literally fly past us. Andrew informs me there is no speed limit on the German autobahns. Indeed he had heard of men flying their Lamborghinis into Germany just to race them.

Our journey then takes a diversion off the main autobahn and we're back to the twisty back roads. So, by the time we arrive in Frankfurt the girls are crotchety. The campsite we arrive at can only be described as rank. It had better be cheap in this condition is all I think. We wait for an hour for the reception to open and the angry man who eventually does open it, stabs at the price list. 25€ a night. Nein danke!!
We pick a campsite listed in the satnav, which we learn isn't advisable, but there are none left in the books we own. It's closed for the season and typically at the end of a narrow, no turn lane by the side of a the river. It takes us half an hour to reverse out.

It is at this point, that we all decide we hate city camping. I know we don't have a lot of experience. Really only Zeeburg in Amsterdam and seeing Frankfurt. But from what we can tell, they are dirty, crowded, run down and expensive.

So, what to do? We can't think of any reason to stay in Frankfurt, but where to go? We pretty much take a stab at the map and pick the Black Forest. Perhaps a metaphorical throw of the dice Andrew Green? I think I need to keep a spare dice in the glove box, after all I have 7 dice in my Yahtzee box, so there is a spare or two.

The journey to the Black Forest was quite a few hours. Driving through the night became an option.

Oddly, the older girl's demeanor changed instantly. Our adventure suddenly became an adventure. They wanted their blankets and pillows. They wanted crisps, cookies and a movie. They had, for some strange unknown reason become friends. All in the face of spending MORE time in the car together and not less.
For the rest of the time travelling that night, we don't hear a peep out of them. With both babies asleep, perhaps this way of travelling was the way forward?

Before we leave Frankfurt we stop at Lidl. I know, I know, we're becoming regulars here.
But you can't beat 2 hot baguettes for 1€. That with bratwurst pate and peanut butter feeds all us for dinner.  Bratwurst pate is the cornerstone of any healthy diet I'll have you know.

Andrew drove stoically into the night. We leave the autobahn approaching midnight and the landscape changes again, becoming more and more mountainous and dramatic.
We arrive at a campsite in the early hours, park in the drive way, wind down the feet and hit the hay in our day clothes.
Awakening nice and early to check in the for the day as if we have just arrived; I think it's a genius way to get free camping in a country that doesn't offer free camping and stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see the dice being introduced, even if it is metaphorical! Maybe let the girls roll it? And whilst you are in the Black Forest, I hope that you all try some gateau :-)
